India’s first World Cup winning-captain Kapil Dev was on Sunday discharged from a city hospital, two days after undergoing angioplasty following a heart attack. The 61-year-old former cricketer complained of chest pain on Thursday following which he was taken to Fortis Escorts Heart Institute’s emergency department. He is doing fine now.
“Mr Kapil Dev got discharged today afternoon. He’s doing fine and can resume his regular daily activity soon. He’ll be under regular follow-up consultation with Dr Atul Mathur,” the hospital said in a statement.
Angioplasty is a procedure to open blocked arteries and restore normal blood flow to the heart.
Following his admission, Kapil’s condition was evaluated and an emergency coronary angioplasty was performed by Dr Mathur, director of cardiology in the Fortis Escorts Heart Institute.
“Dr Atul Mathur did Kapil paji angioplasty. He is fine and discharged. Pic of @therealkapildev on time of discharge from hospital,” his former India teammate Chetan Sharma tweeted along with a photo of Kapil and the doctor who performed the procedure.
The legendary all-rounder was wished a speedy recovery by many on social media, including Virat Kohli and Sachin Tendulkar among others.
One of India’s greatest cricketers, Kapil played 131 Tests and 225 ODIs. He remains the only player in cricket’s history to claim over 400 wickets (434) and accumulate more than 5,000 runs in Tests.
With agency inputs