In a striking move, the Punjab Vigilance Bureau (VB) detained former Deputy Chief Minister, OP Soni, this Sunday. The arrest comes in the wake of allegations of Soni amassing assets exceeding his known income sources from 2016 to 2022.
The Bureau disclosed details of the investigation through an official spokesperson. A case against Soni, identified as FIR no. 20, dated 9th July 2023, has been officially lodged under sections 13 (1) (b) and 13 (2) of the Prevention of Corruption Act. The case was registered at the VB Police Station, Amritsar Range, following an inquiry initiated on 10th October 2022.
Further details revealed a considerable disparity between Soni’s income and expenditure during the period under investigation.
Between April 1, 2016, and March 31, 2022, the combined income of Soni and his family totalled Rs 4,52,18,771. However, their expenditure during the same period amounted to Rs 12,48,42,692 – exceeding their known income sources by Rs 7,96,23,921, or 176.08%. The VB also alleges that Soni acquired properties under the names of his wife, Suman Soni, and son, Raghav Soni.
The Vigilance Bureau’s spokesperson concluded by confirming that the investigation into this case is ongoing.