Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya on Friday inaugurated two CGHS wellness centres in Panchkula and Chandigarh stating that quality healthcare is priority of the Narendra Modi government. With the Friday opening, Chandigarh now has two Central Government Health Scheme Wellness Centres.
The minister inaugurated the Panchkula Centre through a virtual link. Mandaviya said, “It has been the priority of the Narendra Modi government that citizens get quality healthcare. If a country has to be made prosperous, it is important that its citizens are healthy. Healthy citizens build a healthy society which in turn leads to a prosperous nation,” he said.
The Minister said the Centre is planning to launch several facilities, including an e-RUPI voucher, for the people. He also commended the Ayushman Bharat scheme, which he said has so far provided 60 crore people with health security. Mandaviya went on to take a jibe at the Congress, stating that poverty couldn’t be killed with speeches. “In 1971, the late Indira Gandhi gave the ‘Garibi Hatao’ slogan. For 52 years, only one party ruled the country. The poor were used only as a vote bank, but the poor were not uplifted,” Mandaviya said. “Poor…got electricity connections, they have got a gas cylinder in their home, they have got a house to live in. Toilets were built and Ayushman Bharat cards were given.