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  • What is SHTF and How to Prepare For It

What is SHTF and How to Prepare For It

SHTF can happen when you least expect it. Since it can happen anytime and any place, a lot of people are unprepared for it. Related News South Africa Sweats Over Klaasen’s Fitness Before Key Australia Match Wuhan Lab Discovers Covid-like Bat Virus HKU5-CoV-2: Can It Infect Humans? Khushi Kapoor’s Rs 4,000 Lace Dress Is the […]

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SHTF can happen when you least expect it. Since it can happen anytime and any place, a lot of people are unprepared for it.

If you think you are falling short on this, it’s high time you sit down and really learn what SHTF is and how you can prepare for it. This article will give you a brief idea of what SHTF is and how you can make an executable SHTF plan.

What Is SHTF?

SHTF literally means Shit Hits the Fan.

It refers to any catastrophic event that has turned unimaginably worse. It’s a situation that will put you at your wit’s end and test your survival skills.

SHTF, as a whole, covers a wide range of potential scenarios. SHTF scenarios can include natural disasters, economic collapse, loss of electricity, and even wars or attacks.

  • Natural disasters include earthquakes, wildfires, typhoons, hurricanes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, and many more.
  • When the economy is unstable and unpredictable, it can cause economic collapse. Mass hunger, sickness, and riot can take place.
  • Lose of electricity either partially or completely for days
  • Wars can be caused by civil unrest or wars that are politically driven. Nuclear attacks or cyber attacks can trigger SHTF

Creating your SHTF plan would largely depend on what SHTF scenario you are preparing for. However, all preppers are encouraged to prepare for all SHTF scenarios.


Here are the steps on how to create your SHTF plan:

1.    Plan Now

It is ideal for preparing your SHTF plan before it happens. You need to look for potential bug-out places and start buying and storing food and water.

You must also stock up on medicines, medical care supplies, kitchen tools, and your survival kit. You must consider all the immediate needs of all family members.

2.    Assess the Event That Happened

When SHTF happens, the only and best way to get vital information about the situation is through an emergency radio. Mobile phones and televisions will not be applicable in these situations.

3.    Communicate With Family

Check on your family and loved ones to see if they are alright. Also, let them know how you are and where you are located.


You should plan on how to come together to set up neighborhood security. Being around familiar people you can trust during troubled times is more comforting.

4.    Prepare Your Shelter

Most often, bugging out is the best option for many families. If you decide to bug out, ensure a thorough plan for getting there safely and bring enough supplies to support yourself and your family.


If you decide to stay at home, you must secure it properly. You will need to board up windows, secure all doors, and create booby traps in case unwanted individuals enter your home.

5.    Check Your Supplies

As soon as your shelter is ready and the defense system is in place, it is time that you consider checking on your supplies. It is best to keep an inventory of all your gear and equipment. Plan out your meals if you have enough food and water or if you need more.

6.    Hone Your Survival Skills

You are more likely to survive an SHTF if you are equipped with survival skills. You can learn important survival skills by reading books or articles such as this, watching YouTube videos, or going through actual training. Whatever method you choose, you are more than prepared and would likely survive and SHTF when it does happen.

7.    Your SHTF Plan Should Be Flexible

Even if you have a solid SHTF plan, many things can unexpectedly happen that can make your SHTF plan useless. Thus, it is essential that you create a flexible and adaptable SHTF plan. Always have backup plans ready.

Necessary Preparation for SHTF

1.    Where to Go

When SHTF happens, the first thing that comes to your mind is to look for a safer place for your family. Some choose to stay at home because they feel it is the safest place they can be. While some may choose to bug out.


Whether your family decides to stay at home or go elsewhere, you should have an alternative route in mind as part of your escape plan. You should also have a bug-out vehicle ready for this escape. Most importantly, if you need to bug out, do you have a place to go or are you still lost and don’t know where to go?

2.    What to Bring

If you decide that bugging out is necessary, the next crucial concern that you need to address is what you need to bring to survive. If you have planned for an SHTF, your bags are packed and good to go.


However, if SHTF never crossed your mind until now, here is the list of essential supplies and items that you need to bring with you when you bug out:


  • Potable water
  • Water filters (in case there is no potable water where you are going)
  • Food with a long shelf life
  • First aid kit
  • Medications
  • Survival kit
    • Rope
    • Duct tape
    • Tent
    • Knife
    • Firestarter
    • Hand-held radio
    • Blankets
    • Clothes, jackets, gloves, hats, and other protective clothing
    • Face masks or dust masks
    • Multifunction tools

3.    Survival Skills and Scavenging

When SHTF does happen, your survival skills will definitely be put to the test. You must consider and prepare for four basic needs if you want to survive an SHTF – food, water, shelter, and medical care.

When SHTF lasts longer than expected, scavenging is necessary for survival. Scavenging when SHTF happens is when an individual hopes to increase their chance of survival by taking or collecting any material, may it be food, hunting equipment, or other usable items from an abandoned property.

Scavenging is a morally-guided process where the scavenger does the act with clear intentions. When scavenging, you also need a well-thought plan on how to scavenge, where, and how to bring the goods back to your shelter.

Final Thoughts

There is no one else you can rely on when SHTF happens. You can only trust yourself and your survival skills to increase your chances of survival.

SHTF may or may not happen in your lifetime, but it would be advantageous if you plan for it now. Again, SHTF can happen anytime. An SHTF plan is your best bet for your survival.
