The Supreme Court Collegium has recalled its recommendation which is being made in December 2022 for appointing Justice K Vinod Chandran, the Kerala High Court judge as the Chief Justice of the Gauhati High Court. The Supreme Court Collegium has now proposed Justice K Vinod Chandran as the Chief Justice of the Patna High Court. The Supreme Court Collegium by passing a separate resolution recommended the appointment of Justice Sandeep Mehta, who is presently being the senior-most judge of the Rajasthan High Court, as the Chief Justice of the Gauhati High Court.
As per the resolution being published, the decision is took by the Supreme Court Collegium in order to fill up the post of Chief Justice of Patna High Court which is being fell vacant consequent to the elevation to the Supreme Court of Justice Sanjay Karol, who being the former Chief Justice of High Court of Patna.
The said notification stated that Mr. Justice K. Vinod Chandran who being the senior most Judge of the Kerala High Court having wide experience. The Supreme court while considering the above circumstances, resolves to recall its earlier recommendation made for the appointment of Mr. Justice K. Vinod Chandran as Chief Justice of the Gauhati High Court and the Collegium has resolved for recommending that he is being appointed as Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature at Patna, as he being fir and will be suitable for the same.