Ex-Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh’s wife and Ex MP Preneet Kaur is all set to join BJP soon. As per sources, she would join in the party in the presence of Union Home Minister Amit Shah soon. Amit Shah is going to have a rally in Patiala which is now got postponed. The new date for the rally has not been announced at present. Meanwhile, the speculation about former Punjab CM Captain Amarinder Singh’s wife and Patiala MP Preneet Kaur joining BJP has become more intense. Earlier it was believed that Preneet Kaur would join BJP only during the presence of the Union Home Minister in Patiala, but the day of her joining BJP changed due to the postponement of the rally. However, Preneet Kaur would wait for Home Minister Amit Shah’s rally or go to Delhi and join BJP, at present there is no information about this has been made public. On the other hand, Congress leader Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa has said in Pathankot public meeting that Preneet Kaur should be thrown out of the party. Rahul Gandhi said that those who have left the party, are good for the party, so Preneet Kaur should also be thrown out of the party.