Aaftab Poonawala, the accused in the murder of his live-in partner Shraddha Walker, had shifted belongings from his flat in Maharashtra’s Vasai district to Delhi this June in order to give the impression that his girlfriend had left him and he needed all the household essentials, Delhi Police said on Tuesday.
According to the Delhi Police, it was part of “Aaftab’s plan” after he allegedly strangled Shraddha in May this year and chopped her up into multiple parts and preserved them in a refrigerator before disposing of them over several days. Delhi Police said that Aaftab was attempting to portray that Shraddha had left him and had also taken away all household items with her. In order to show that he required all those essential items, he hired a moving and packing company to transport his belongings from his flat in the Vasai area of Palghar to Delhi’s Chhattarpur area.
“After killing Shraddha in May, as a part of his plan, Aaftab made an online booking with a travel company in June and transported around 37 boxes of belongings to his residence in Delhi’s Chhatarpur area. He did this to have a fool-proof plan to save himself if the situation so arose,” a police official said.
Police further said that accused Aaftab not only burned Shraddha’s photo but also all evidence related to her.