The former Vice President of India, Venkaiah Naidu, opened the NBF and lit the lamp.
As the News Broadcaster Federation (NBF) opened the National Conclave, which questioned the future course of the news industry, the opening ceremony was graced with the presence of the former Vice-President of India, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu. Naidu opened the ceremony by lighting up the lamp with the president of NBF, Arnab Goswami, CEO of Republic TV.
The former vice president reiterated in his opening speech the importance of using our mother tongue, and then any other language can be followed by it as it enables one to articulate their thoughts better.
His only advice to the media fraternity is to “Be nearer to the truth, and keep away from sensationalism. And promote national integration.”
He expressed his delight that the conclave is taking a step towards discussion on strengthening the federation.