Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana on Friday visited Rohini Sector 18 Crime Branch office at 12 noon to interrogate the main accused Ansar in the Jahangirpuri violence and asked the officers to prepare a detailed investigation report, said Delhi Police sources. Ansar, a resident of Jahangirpuri, is presently under police custody. According to the sources, the Delhi Crime Branch and local police are investigating the call details and WhatsApp chats of accused Ansar in the Jahangirpuri violence to gather more information about his contacts during the violent incident that occurred on Hanuman Jayanti. According to the police sources, Ansar may have called up several people to congregate at the spot of violence. The police will arrest and probe the persons who turned up on the spot of violence on the call of the accused. The Delhi Crime Branch and local police will probe the call details and WhatsApp chats of accused Ansar in the Jahangirpuri violence to gather more information about his contacts during the violent incident on Hanuman Jayanti, sources said. The West Bengal connection to the violence has also come to the fore, following which the Crime Branch has sent a team to the state to dive deep into the investigation. The police suspect the possibility of a Bangladesh connection of the accused. The team questioned the relatives of the accused residing in West Bengal’s East Midnapore district. A three-member Delhi police team, including Delhi Police Crime Branch ASI Suresh Kumar, visited the house of the accused Aslam in the Mahisadal police station area, where they questioned his mother. “They asked me what my son does. I told them they work as a mason and went to Delhi 1.5 months back. My three sons have been arrested,” said Aspia Bibi, mother of accused Aslam Ali, Mukhtar Ali, and Aksar Ali. “I have an Aadhar card on Delhi’s address but now I stay here in East Midnapore after building a house here,” she added. Later, Delhi Police went to Sitalpur Gram Panchayat area in Nandakumar police station where they questioned family members of the accused Sahajada. According to police sources, Sahajada’s Aadhar card has Delhi’s address whereas ration cards have West Bengal’s address.
Meanwhile, the Delhi Police team is currently staying in the East Midnapore district for further investigation.
As various political parties are set to visit Jahangirpuri slamming the demolition drive, Special Commissioner of Police (CP) Dependra Pathak on Friday said that situation in the violence-hit area is peaceful and political leaders are not allowed to visit near the mosque. However, no restrictions have been imposed on general devotees. Pathak said, “Normalcy will return in the area in the next 24 to 36 hours.”
Two separate delegations of Trinamool Congress and Samajwadi Party visited Delhi on Friday to “investigate” the demolition drive in violence-hit Jahangirpuri.
“Our role is very focused and we are maintaining peace here. I took stock of the security situation. We have adequate police deployment to ensure the safety and security of the area,” said the Special Commissioner of Police.
“Our aim is that situation remains normal and there is no incitement. For that, we’re in continuous touch with people of the area, various pressure groups and who all are visiting here. CCTV cameras have been installed here so that we can keep an eye”, added Pathak.
Nearly a dozen CCTV cameras have been installed at the Kushal Chowk in the Jahangirpuri area.