Talking about RSS’ cherished dream of “Akhand Bharat”, Sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhagwat has said that it will be a reality in another 15 years instead of 20-25 years as thought of earlier. Bhagwat said, “India will again become ‘Akhand Bharat’ in 15 years. We will see all this with our own eyes.” He added that according to astrology from the saints, in 20 to 25 years, India would again be a united India.
“If all of us together increase the speed of this work, then in 10 to 15 years, Akhand Bharat will be formed. In 15 years, the country will be rebuilt, all those who come in the way will be erased,” Bhagwat said while inaugurating the idol of Brahmalin Mahamandaleshwar Shri 1008 Swami Divyanand Giri, Pran Pratishtha and Shri Gurutray Temple in Kankhal in Haridwar in Uttarakhand. Bhagwat said the people who had opposed “Sanatan Dharma” earlier, will also take part in the formation of “Akhand Bharat”. Hindus have now awakened because of their opposition. If India rises it will happen only through religion.