Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Sunday said that the state Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders will tour the state in three teams and hold conventions of district-level, booth-level party workers.
BJP National General Secretary and Karnataka in-charge Arun Singh, state BJP President Nalin Kumar Kateel and former Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa will lead the teams. “State BJP leaders will tour the state in three teams. They will hold conventions of district-level and booth-level party workers. They will hold party conventions at nine places. BJP National General Secretary in charge of party affairs in Karnataka Arun Singh, State President Nalin Kumar Kateel and senior leader BS Yediyurappa will lead the teams,” Bommai said in a press conference.
This comes ahead of legislative assembly polls in Karnataka, which are scheduled to take place next year.
Bommai said that the state government has decided to hand over the investigation into the JJ Nagar Chandru murder case to the Crime Investigation Department (CID).
“Truth should come out. In this background, it has been decided to hand over the case to CID after conferring with State DGP and Bengaluru Commissioner of Police,” said the CM.
The JJ Nagar murder case revolves around the killing of 22-year Chandru on Tuesday (5 April 2022), who was stabbed by three people, following an argument.
According to the IPS Kamal Pant, while returning back from an eatery on Mysore Road, Chandru’s bike collided with another bike ridden by Shahid, which led to a quarrel between the two parties.
“During the fight, Shahid had stabbed the victim on his right thigh and the assailants fled from the spot,” Pant said.
Chandru was shifted to Victoria hospital, where he succumbed to injuries.
All the three accused were arrested.