Uttarakhand Chief Minister and Bharatiya Janata Party candidate from Khatima, Pushkar Singh Dhami on Monday cast his vote along with his wife and mother in the ongoing assembly elections in the state.
Confident about BJP forming government once again in the 70 member assembly in Uttarakhand, he said, “All our schemes have provided a shield for the people of Uttarakhand. The public knows very well who can work for the development of the state. I’m sure that the Uttarakhand public will bring BJP on 60+ seats.”
State Governor Retired Lt Gen Gurmit Singh also cast his vote on Monday.
“I’d like to appeal to everyone to use their voting rights; voting turnout should be 100 per cent. The elections are being held in a proper, unbiased manner,” said Singh after casting his vote in Dehradun.
Meanwhile, former union education minister and former Uttarakhand chief minister, Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank also visited the polling station in Dehradun with his daughter Arushi Nishank to cast their vote.
Uttarakhand Cabinet Minister and candidate from Chaubattakhal assembly constituency Satpal Maharaj cast his vote at a polling station in his assembly constituency.