When we move on the path of self-improvement, several challenges come along the way. Most of them stem from our ego, desires, fears, and ignorance. One way to protect the self and overcome the challenges is to engage in service. Service, when done with the pure intention of bringing benefit to others, elevates our consciousness. […]


When we move on the path of self-improvement, several challenges come along the way. Most of them stem from our ego, desires, fears, and ignorance. One way to protect the self and overcome the challenges is to engage in service.

Service, when done with the pure intention of bringing benefit to others, elevates our consciousness. We can serve by sharing inspiring ideas and thoughts that help others uplift the quality of their thinking and live a more meaningful life. Another way to serve is to be a living example of what we tell others; to inspire by our conduct, words and way of thinking. If our life helps others recognise that there is a better way to think, speak, behave, and live, that is perhaps the best way to serve.

Giving advice and expounding noble principles may give us some satisfaction, and the feeling of having done something good, but often this is just pleasing oneself. We can be truly of benefit to others when our life reflects what we say. Advice is best when it flows from benevolence and empathy arising out of a pure and powerful mind, and not from mere theoretical knowledge.

A clever mind and impressive oratory will earn us praise, but the satisfaction that brings is short-lived. When we serve by being an example for others, we often do so without being aware of it, as others take inspiration just by watching us, from our conduct and vibrations. “They are so good. I wish to be like them”, they think. Such thoughts, and the goodwill they carry, are like blessings for those who serve. The positive energy we receive from others in this way empowers us, making us fulfilled and content.

There is another aspect to service. Some people think that engaging with many different people in service is challenging due to differences of opinion, temperament, and habit. Such challenges disturb them. However, true service does not disturb anyone; rather it is a means for becoming free from disturbance. If any kind of service causes us to become upset, we can check if we are serving selflessly, with clean intentions.

When we rise above the desires, prejudices and fears that limit our way of thinking, we can serve everyone equally, with love and care. The return of that is a constant joy and a life of contentment. Success always follows such souls; they do not have to chase after it.

B.K. Sheilu is a Rajyoga teacher at the Brahma Kumaris headquarters in Mount Abu, Raja-sthan.

