Sharing a photograph of himself with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Twitter, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday said “committed to building a new India”. “We have embarked on a journey. We have dedicated our everything and pledged to build a new India which will touch the heights beyond the sky with new light,” tweeted Yogi Adityanath (roughly translated from Hindi).
Prime Minister Narendra Modi was on a two-day visit to Lucknow to attend the 56th DGP-IGP conference. The PM reached Raj Bhavan on 19 November and left for New Delhi on the evening of 21 November. Elections for the 403-seat Uttar Pradesh Assembly are slated for early next year.
In the run-up to the Assembly elections scheduled to be held in 2022 in five states, Uttar Pradesh being the most important one for the Bharatiya Janata Party, the party has already started putting in efforts to address the people of the state.