CHENNAI: The Tamil Nadu government has further extended the lockdown restrictions till November 15 with some relaxations in the state to stop the spread of Covid-19.
The order passed on Saturday by the state government, allows Intra and inter-district and inter-State air-conditioned buses, except Kerala to occupy 100% seats from November 1.
“All school classes will be allowed to open and function on an alternate basis,” reads the order. As per the official release, Cinema theatre halls can fill up 100 per cent seats from November 1st. Bars in the state can reopen once again. However, functions and political gatherings are still banned in the southern state.
Meanwhile, Tamil Nadu reported 1,140 new COVID-19 cases and 17 deaths in the last 24 hours, as per the medical bulletin released on Saturday. As many as 1,374 patients recovered in the last 24 hours.
Further, there are 13,280 active cases in the state . COVID-19