Congress spokesperson Pranav Jha on Friday said that former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh is doing fine and is better than yesterday. Taking to Twitter, Jha urged all to respect the privacy of the former Prime Minister. “This is to inform that Dr Manmohan Singh ji is doing fine. He is better than yesterday. Let’s all wish him a speedy recovery. Any unfounded speculation is unnecessary and in bad taste. Also, request all to respect the Former PM’s privacy. Thank you! #HappyDussehra2021,” tweeted the Congress spokesperson.
Earlier, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), informed that Singh is stable and recovering.
Dr Singh, who was admitted to AIIMS on Wednesday, is under the observation of doctors. The eighty-nine-year-old Congress leader had complained of weakness and is stable and under the observation of doctors, hospital sources said.
Earlier in the day, Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya visited the hospital to meet him.