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Planning pregnancy in mid or late 30’s: Know some lifestyle changes

We are all aware that a woman’s fertility can decrease as she gets older. Women are born with a fixed number of eggs, and as they get older, both the quantity and quality of these eggs decrease. That shouldn’t concern you, though, as the majority of women can conceive naturally and give birth to a […]


We are all aware that a woman’s fertility can decrease as she gets older. Women are born with a fixed number of eggs, and as they get older, both the quantity and quality of these eggs decrease. That shouldn’t concern you, though, as the majority of women can conceive naturally and give birth to a perfectly healthy child at 35 years old.

According to a study done in UK, women between the ages of 35 and 39 had a 29% chance of becoming pregnant on their day of greatest fertility. However, if their partner was five years older, their chances decreased to 15%.
However, it’s important to keep in mind that while fertility problems are typically thought of as a female health concern, male variables like low sperm count and mobility can also have an impact on a couple’s ability to conceive.
The average man carries about half as much sperm now as he did forty years ago, and most sperm does not naturally penetrate very far into the female reproductive system. In the absence of any physiological problems, lifestyle choices could also be important. These could include drinking too much alcohol or struggling with weight issues.

Let’s discuss below mentioned advices for boosting fertility, which includes when to have sex and how much junk food to consume.

Eat healthy meals
Junk food should always be avoided, especially if you’re trying to get pregnant. One of the most important ways to prepare your body for having a body is to change your diet.
Eating a well-balanced diet rich in complex carbs, protein, healthy fats, and an abundance of fruits and vegetables is the greatest way to prime your body for conception. This is important for men and women alike, as studies have shown that nutrients like zinc can improve sperm quality and eating carrots helps pregnant women prevent anaemia.

Address stress
If you needed another reason to be concerned, stress is the root cause of a number of ailments and discomforts, so it should come as no surprise that stress lowers your chances of getting pregnant.
Stress can affect the hypothalamus in your brain, which regulates your hormones and menstrual cycle. You can ovulate later than usual or not at all as a result of it. Do consider adopting natural stress-reduction methods like yoga or meditation to help you relax and go as far away from situations that cause you anxiety as you can.

Watch the action
It is recommended that pregnant women abstain from alcohol consumption, tobacco use, and a high diet high in non-vegetarian foods. It’s essential to remember that giving up these vices before conception will improve your odds of becoming pregnant. Just remember that drinking more than two glasses of wine a day can change their oestrogen levels and reduce the number of eggs women still have. If you consume a lot of tea and coffee, you should also think about cutting back on your caffeine intake because excessive caffeine consumption has been connected to lower oestrogen levels, which can delay ovulation and lower your chances of getting pregnant.

Do regular sex in order to conceive quickly
According to studies, couples who have sex at least every other day have a higher probability of getting pregnant than couples who don’t. Make sexual activity enjoyable rather than a chore. Timing is important because even in women with regular cycles, the reproductive peak might change. Ejaculated sperm quickly penetrates the cervical mucus, which facilitates the reproductive system’s transit. Millions of sperm must enter the cervix in order for hundreds of sperm to clear the way for the “survival sperm” to fertilise the egg.
But in the absence of help, less than 1% of sperm make it to the egg. To make sure the sperm stays inside after having intercourse, you can try various positions or, alternatively, pull your legs up and down.

Start seeking early pregnancy
The earlier you start attempting to conceive in your 30s, the better your chances are of having a simpler conception. Additionally, the decreasing quantity and quality of eggs increases the chance of miscarriage. Women in their 30s may also feel a great deal of concern about starting a family because many of their friends and family members have either done so or are planning to do so. Numerous healthcare professionals observe that these ladies undergo considerable psychological strain before becoming pregnant. This strain is lessened by early conception attempts since the eggs are of better quality and there are less social pressures.

Seek help if not conceived after six months
In certain cases, physiological problems can be at play. Some women are unable to ovulate due to conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), hormonal problems, early menopause, fallopian tube obstruction, or structural abnormalities in the uterus. Older women are more likely to have endometriosis and uterine fibroids, two conditions that can affect fertility.
It’s possible that your partner is the problem. Sperm deficiencies, anomalies, or issues with sperm migration can all lead to male infertility. Trauma, cancer, surgery, blockage, or infection-related problems with the testicles can also have an impact on the quality of semen.
Additionally, some men might not produce enough hormones to make sperm or have problems ejaculating. Your GP can run a few fast tests and send the two of you to an infertility specialist if needed.
The author is Medical Director and Infertility Specialist from Mother’s Lap IVF Centre, New Delhi and Vrindavan.
