World's Most Unusual and Quirky Festivals You Won't Believe Exist
Beyond popular festivals like Holi and Diwali, there are many unique global festivals you won't believe exist and will want to experience!
Canada's International Freezing Contest lets participants freeze their hair in the cold for a chance to win!
Hair Freezing Contest, Canada
The Night of the Radishes is a Mexican festival showcasing radish carvings on December 23 each year
Night of Radishes, Mexico
Spain's Battle of Wine has people drenching each other with wine in a playful, messy celebration
La Rioja: The Battle Of Wine, Spain
In Ashbourne, UK, the quirky August festival features toe wrestling, where participants pin each other's toes in a playful competition
Toe Wrestling Championship, United Kingdom
Austria's World Body Painting Festival in July turns the human body into a canvas, showcasing vibrant, full-body art in Klagenfurt
World Body Painting Festival, Austria