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Why Does India Drink Bhang on Holi? The Cultural Connection

Bhang is an edible form of cannabis, made from ground leaves & buds, enjoyed during Holi

Being used in India for centuries, bhang is even referred to in ancient texts, although the British made it popular

Bhang is of religious, medicinal, and recreational importance in Indian culture

It's said that Goddess Parvati added bhang to Lord Shiva's drink to awaken him from meditation. Kamadeva shot an arrow infused with bhang on Holi, shattering Lord Shiva's trance

A favorite Holi beverage, bhang thandai, is prepared with milk, nuts, and perfumed spices

Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh are states famous for their bhang culture

Most people believe that drinking bhang on Holi signifies shattering inhibitions & embracing happiness

Unlike other cannabis drugs, bhang is legally marketed in some Indian states

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