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Jagannath Puri Rath Yatra 2024: History, Significance and This Year's Theme

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 Oldest Chariot Festival: Celebrated in Puri during Ashadh, it's the oldest and largest Hindu chariot festival

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 Divine Journey: Deities Jagannath, Balabhadra, and Subhadra are drawn in chariots to Gundicha Temple

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Bahuda Yatra: The deities stay at Gundicha Temple for a week before returning to Jagannath Temple

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Tribute to Salabega: Jagannath's chariot halts near Bhakta Salabega's crematorium to pay tribute

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Mausi Maa Temple: The deities stop at Mausi Maa Temple for Poda Pitha, a special pancake, on their return

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Historical Texts: Ratha Yatra is described in Brahma Purana, Padma Purana, Skanda Purana, and Kapila Samhita

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 Sandalwood Festival: Chandan Yatra, a 42-day festival, marks the start of chariot construction in Puri

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 Bahar Chandan: First 21 days feature processions and boat rides for deities in the Narendra tank

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Bhitar Chandan: The latter 21 days consist of private rituals not open to the public

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 Akshaya Tritiya: Chariot construction begins with fire worship in front of the King's palace and temple

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Suna Besha: After returning from Gundicha, deities are adorned in gold ornaments and worshipped on chariots

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Global Celebration: Since 1968, ISKCON has popularized Ratha Yatra in over 108 cities worldwide