Guide To Lunar Property: Steps To Buy Land On The Moon

You can purchase land on the moon in various locations, such as the Bay of Rainbows and Sea of Rains

Lunar land claims are intended to support exploration, settlement, and resource development

To purchase lunar land from India, visit the Bay of Rainbows website and submit the necessary details

1 acre of land in the Bay of Rainbows costs ₹3,068.40

The purchase of three acres costs ₹2,758.80 per acre, including a 10% discount

The cost of five acres is ₹2,602.80 per acre, reflecting a 15% savings

Ten acres in the Bay of Rainbows are priced at ₹2,446.80 per acre, offering a 20% savings

The successful Chandrayaan-3 mission has sparked increased enthusiasm for lunar property among Indians

There have been delays in processing and fulfilling moon land ownership due to high demand, as reported by