4 Unusual And Bizarre Competitions Around The World
The world around us is filled with surprises, let's take a look around some of the most unusual and
bizarre competitions of the world
World's Ugliest Dog Competition
The World's Ugliest Dog Contest, held annually in Petaluma, California, during the Sonoma-Marin Fair, crowns the ugliest dog entered
Mobile Throwing World Championship
Mobile phone throwing, an international sport originating in Finland in 2000, involves throwing phones judged on distance or technique
Toilet Paper
Wedding Dress Contest
Contestants made wedding gowns and headpieces from toilet paper, tape, glue, and thread, competing for a $10,000 Grand Prize
Extreme Ironing Competition
Extreme ironing, invented in 1997 in Leicester, England, involves ironing in remote locations, blending outdoor thrills with domestic chores