New Delhi: A heartwarming incident at Starbucks in Khan Market, New Delhi, has gone viral, thanks to the dedication of a Zomato delivery agent named Sonu. When Sonu arrived to pick up an order with his two-year-old daughter in tow, he unknowingly touched the hearts of the Starbucks team and their customers.
Single Father Balances Work and Parenting
Sonu, a single parent, has been juggling the responsibilities of his job while caring for his young daughter. His story of resilience was shared on LinkedIn by Starbucks store manager Devendra Mehra, who was moved by Sonu’s determination. “Despite his challenges at home, he continues to work hard while caring for his little 2-year-old daughter,” Mehra wrote.
A Small Gesture of Kindness
The Starbucks team, inspired by Sonu’s dedication, offered his daughter a babyccino, a warm milk-based drink designed for children, as a small treat. “We were honoured to offer her a small treat of babyccino, hoping to bring a little smile to her face,” Mehra added, emphasizing the importance of kindness and empathy in tough times.
Viral Admiration
The LinkedIn post quickly went viral, garnering love and admiration for Sonu from across the platform. Many users expressed their willingness to support Sonu, with some suggesting fundraising efforts for his daughter’s education. Zomato also responded to the post, acknowledging Sonu’s dedication and thanking the Starbucks team for their kind gesture.
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