A woman from Karnataka, while vacationing in Kerala, recently lost her iPhone valued at Rs. 1.5 lakh. The incident happened as she was enjoying the waves from atop large rocks on the beach. Despite numerous initial attempts, her phone couldn’t be recovered. However, the resort staff where she was staying, the Kerala police, and the Fire and Rescue department collaborated to navigate the waves and rocks to locate the lost device. A video capturing their efforts and eventual success, which took seven hours, has been circulating on Instagram.
The challenging operation is detailed in a video shared by the official page of the resort, Antiliya Chalets. The now-viral clip shows department officials standing on large rocks and using ropes to retrieve the phone. After several hours of meticulous planning and hard work, the team successfully returned the device to the woman, who then posed with the officials for pictures.
The resort captioned the post, “This video is a part of yesterday’s accident. The iPhone worth 150000 of the Karnataka woman who was staying in our chalet fell between the huge rocks on the beach. Despite the efforts, nothing could be retrieved. The strong waves along with winds and rain made the situation challenging.”
Watch Here:
They continued, “However, Antiliya chalet team along with Kerala Fire and Rescue took 7 hours of effort to recover the mobile phone. Antiliya chalet would like to thank Suhail and Kerala Fire and Rescue team for helping in this.”
Since being posted, the video has garnered over 1.6 million views and a lakh likes on Instagram.
“She should have claimed insurance instead,” remarked a user.
“I am surprised to see rescue team being used to retrieve mobile phone seriously,” commented another.
One person added, “Respect fire team.”
Another shared, “Same happened to me in Pondicherry Rock beach..my PIXEL 7 phone fell in between rocks but Luckily me and my frnds found under the rocks.”
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