A strange incident unfolded at a Shiv Temple in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, where a man was filmed stealing a copper pot after performing a ritual. The CCTV footage, which went viral on social media, shows the man praying and performing Jal Abhishek on the Shivling before committing the theft.
On Sunday, September 15, at 7:49 AM, the man arrived at the temple on a two-wheeler. He first opened the channel gates, entered with a bag, and folded his hands in prayer. He then removed the lid from a copper pot to perform Jal Abhishek. After using the pot, he glanced outside and attempted to steal a metal bell. When that effort failed, he shifted his focus to the copper pot.
Pouring the remaining water over the Shivling, the thief took the pot from its holder, placed it in his bag, and walked away, closing the gate behind him.
The Nawabganj police station in Kanpur is handling the case, but it is unclear whether an official report has been filed.
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