A young Indian woman recently captivated the internet by wearing a traditional Nauvari saree while walking through the streets of Russia. The Nauvari, also known as the nine-yard saree, is a traditional garment from Maharashtra often worn for weddings, festivals, and significant events. In the video, Sulekha Padalkar, an MBBS student at Northern State Medical University, Russia, is seen elegantly dressed in the Nauvari saree, complemented by traditional jewelry. Her neatly styled hair, decorative nath (nose ring), and a crescent on her forehead enhance her Marathi look.
The overlay text reads, “Marathi Mulgi #Russia.” In the reel, Sulekha is initially seen walking along the streets of Russia, followed by a visit to a local shopping mall. The video’s caption states, “Marathi look in Russia. Recreated the reel on public demand … but unfortunately, snow is not there, it’s summertime!”
Watch Here:
Since the video was posted a month ago, it has gained significant attention online, amassing over 9.9 million views and sparking a flurry of reactions in the comment section.
One user remarked, “Indian girls hit differently and each state tradition is blasting well. I am also Marathi,” while another added, “Marathi girls always slay.”
A person complimented, “Flexing our roots in foreign countries is another level of feeling hehe nyc one.”
Someone shared, “Indian girls are always beautiful compared to other countries.”
In Marathi, a user expressed, “You made Maharashtra proud by going abroad.”
Another commenter added, “It’s definitely gorgeous, but walking in Indian street will make you look more beautiful. People are least interested in showing off your culture to people who don’t even understand this or just to get views. Apan svata asa poshak ghalun mandirat pan jaat nai yar uthe ladala show off.”
On the flip side, some users shared a different perspective. One user noted, “Those who cannot do this in their home country due to ‘safety issues’ do it in some other country.”
Another added, “No one cares, it’s not India, it’s Russia. There, no one notices what you’re wearing or what you’re doing.”
Lastly, an individual said, “Glad to see that those people are minding their own business.”
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