Chandrika Gera Dixit, also known as the Vada Pav Girl and currently a contestant on Bigg Boss OTT, first gained fame after a video of her selling vada pavs at a stall in Delhi’s Sainik Vihar went viral. Her popularity surged, with numerous videos of her selling vada pavs and engaging in brawls capturing the attention of many internet users. While some watched her videos for entertainment, one man found inspiration and decided to get her face tattooed on his body. Yes, you read that right.
The tattoo video was shared on Instagram by Mahesh Chavan. It starts with a man visiting a tattoo parlor and requesting the receptionist to ink Chandrika Gera Dixit’s face on his hand. According to Chavan, the man was inspired by Dixit during a period of unemployment. He considers Dixit his “guru” and after following her example, he decided to open a vada pav stall.
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The video was posted a few days ago and has since garnered over 10 million views, along with numerous likes and comments.
Here’s how netizens reacted:
One person wrote, “This. This is why education is very important.”
Another Instagram user, Abu, said, “Brother will regret it.”
“Cover-up tattoo coming soon,” posted Instagram user Lakshya Saini.
A fourth shared, “That’s why education is much needed.”
Chandrika Gera Dixit in Bigg Boss OTT:
The third season of the reality show, hosted by actor Anil Kapoor, began streaming on June 21 on JioCinema. On the show, Dixit revealed that she earned Rs. 40,000 per day by selling vada pavs.
Before joining the Bigg Boss OTT 3 house, Chandrika spoke with Pinkvilla about her reasons for participating in the show. “People are meant to comment. Kuch toh log kahenge, logon ka kaam hai kehna. (People are bound to say something or the other). Often, people comment on others’ lives without knowing about their stories and struggles. It is very amusing to me as people make perceptions about me so quickly without knowing anything about me. I never do that for anyone else. How can you simply judge people without knowing them?” she told the news outlet.
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