The problem of seat disputes on Indian Railways trains has become so frequent that it’s now almost expected. In a recent incident, a video surfaced showing a heated argument between a man and a family over train seats. The family had taken the seats to eat their meal, while the man insisted they vacate them. The video, shared on social media platform X (formerly Twitter) by the handle ‘Ghar ke kalesh’, has sparked widespread attention, accumulating 36K likes.
The video has generated a mix of reactions online. Many viewers found the conflict to be a common occurrence on trains, while others criticized the man for what they saw as unfairly targeting the family. Some commenters expressed disapproval of the family for possibly occupying seats without proper tickets. The incident has resonated with many users who shared their own opinions and jokes about the situation.
In the comments, people voiced a range of views. One user remarked, “Yeh toh chalta he hai” (Things like these always happen), while another humorously noted how the man reconsidered his approach upon seeing the family’s larger group. Suggestions for solutions like starting unreserved trains were also made, and some criticized the cameraman for always being present during such disputes. The overall sentiment highlights the ongoing challenges of managing seating issues on Indian Railways.
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