Karolina Goswami, a Poland-based YouTuber residing in India, has gained widespread attention after sharing a video in which she walks with security personnel following threats from fans of fellow YouTuber Dhruv Rathee. In the now-viral video, which has garnered over 4 million views on Instagram, Goswami boldly declared, “We fear nothing. We will continue living in India.”
The controversy began in May when Karolina Goswami analyzed Rathee’s YouTube videos, asserting that he was promoting “anti-India propaganda.” Following her critiques, she reportedly received over 220 threats from Rathee’s supporters, who reacted aggressively to her claims. In her videos on her channel, “India in Details,” Goswami accused Rathee of disseminating false information and called for a ban on his social media accounts.
Karolina Goswami and her husband have claimed they faced violence from Rathee fans during an incident in Germany last year, where their car was vandalized, and their devices were stolen. This pattern of harassment has led Goswami to seek protection from the Indian government, which she says did not respond to her appeals for security.
In her recent social media posts, she shared disturbing screenshots of the threats she received, including graphic and violent messages. “My family and I have faced more than 220 threats, and we can’t bear this anymore,” she lamented.
Despite the threats and harassment, Karolina Goswami remains resolute about her life in India. In her latest video, she reassured her followers that she and her family would continue to live and work in the country. However, she noted that they would avoid staying in one city for too long due to safety concerns, opting instead to travel around India.
Goswami’s situation has sparked conversations about online harassment and freedom of speech, highlighting the challenges faced by content creators who engage in political discourse.
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