In a tragic incident a 30-year-old banker, Rajesh Kumar Shinde, passed away due to a sudden heart attack while at work in Uttar Pradesh’s Mahoba. Rajesh, who served as the agricultural general manager at an HDFC bank branch there, collapsed while working on his laptop. The heartbreaking event, captured on the bank’s CCTV on June 19th, has sparked concerns over the rising cases of heart disease-related deaths among young adults.
Rajesh’s colleagues, seated nearby, quickly responded as he fell unconscious. They moved him to a safe area and attempted to revive him, unaware that he had suffered a heart attack. Despite their efforts to administer CPR and rush him to a nearby hospital, Rajesh tragically did not survive.
This incident highlights a worrying trend where heart-related issues are increasingly affecting younger demographics, contrary to the previous notion that such health concerns predominantly affect older individuals. Doctors point to factors such as poor dietary habits, sedentary lifestyles, and stress as contributing to the rise in heart disease cases among young people.
Earlier this year, another similar tragedy occurred when a 25-year-old man suffered a fatal heart attack while visiting the Delhi Zoo with his wife. Overwhelmed by grief, his wife tragically took her own life shortly after. These incidents underscore the profound impact of heart disease on families and communities, urging greater awareness and proactive measures to address cardiovascular health.
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