A shocking incident unfolded at the Kamalapati District Combined Hospital in Chandauli, Uttar Pradesh, when a young man named Farhan arrived carrying the snake that had just bitten him. Farhan, a resident of Naugar village in the Balua police station area, brought the snake in a plastic bag, causing immediate panic among the hospital staff.
Eyewitnesses described the scene as chaotic, with doctors and nurses rushing to safety upon seeing the snake. The sudden and alarming presence of the snake created confusion and fear among the hospital personnel.
Farhan had been bitten by the snake while walking in his home’s courtyard. In a moment of anger, he killed the snake before heading to the hospital, hoping it would help doctors identify the species and administer the correct anti-venom.
However, the sight of the snake in the bag startled the hospital staff, who quickly instructed Farhan to dispose of it before starting his treatment. Farhan explained that his intention was to assist the medical professionals in identifying the snake and ensuring proper care.
This unusual case left the hospital staff stunned and added an unexpected challenge to their emergency response efforts.
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