A 44-year-old woman named Surekha Singh was involved in a violent altercation on a flight from Pune to New Delhi on Saturday morning. The incident began when Singh clashed with fellow passengers, Anvitika Borse and Aditya Borse, over seating arrangements. The Borse siblings were reportedly seated in their allocated seats when the confrontation with Singh escalated.
As the situation intensified, the flight crew intervened and alerted the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF). CISF constables Priyanka Reddy and Sonika Pal attempted to calm Singh, but she became more aggressive and attacked them as well. In the altercation, Singh bit Reddy’s hand, causing an injury. Given the severity of the situation, the CISF officers had to restrain Singh and eventually remove her and her husband from the flight. The couple was then handed over to the airport police.
Surekha Singh, a homemaker from Wakad, and her husband, a software engineer, were reportedly travelling to Delhi to attend a relative’s funeral. The incident led to a police complaint filed by Priyanka Reddy, who accused Singh of obstructing official duties by attacking the officers. The police have registered a case based on this complaint.
According to CISF personnel, Singh appeared to be in a state of extreme distress due to a personal emergency. Her behaviour reportedly escalated to the point where the pilot refused to proceed with the flight, prompting the airline to seek assistance from the CISF. The police issued a notice to Singh, asking her to cooperate with the investigation. Meanwhile, the Borse siblings were allowed to continue their journey to Delhi.
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