Onion prices have reached a whopping Rs 70-Rs 80 per kilogram in Delhi NCR. One resident took matters into his hands to procure the kitchen staple. In a viral Reddit post, a man can be seen making a plea for some extra onions while ordering through Swiggy, pointing out that the essential ingredient is unaffordable.
The receipt attached to the order showed the customer‘s appeal to the restaurant: “Bhaiyya, please send round-cut onions. Onions are very costly, I can‘t buy them. Please send some onions, bhaiyya,” he wrote, adding two sad emojis to underscore his request.
My flatmate placed the order and I found this on the bill
byu/batmaneatspickles indelhi
His flatmate posted the photo of the printed bill on Reddit; he was both amused and intrigued by this creative request. To the surprise of everyone, the restaurant actually obliged, including extra onions with the order.
The post quickly gained traction on Reddit, with users expressing mixed reactions. Many sympathized with the man’s plight, highlighting the soaring cost of onions. Others humorously pointed out the irony of affording a Swiggy order but not onions.
Currently, onion prices in Delhi NCR have reached a five-year high, nearly doubling from earlier rates of Rs 40-Rs 50 per kg. Sellers attribute the hike to increased procurement costs at wholesale markets.
While the incident sparked laughter, it also underscored the growing financial strain caused by inflation on basic household items like onions.
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