Sunny Deol-starrer “Gadar 2” has collected Rs 134.88 crore net at the domestic box office in its opening weekend, the makers said. Directed by Anil Sharma, the film is a sequel to Deol’s 2001 blockbuster “Gadar: Ek Prem Katha”. The actor has reprised his iconic role of Tara Singh in the film, released in theatres on August 11.
The film had collected Rs 83.18 crore in the first two days of its release and on Sunday, registered a surge of over 20 per cent. The film has created a “non-solo, non-holiday release’s fastest 100-crore milestone”, the makers said in a press note. “With each passing day, its dominance has only grown stronger, culminating in a staggering day three collection of Rs 51.70 crore net, amassing a colossal total of Rs 134.88 crore net,” they said. Produced by Zee Studios, the movie also features Ameesha Patel returning as Sakeena and Utkarsh Sharma as Charanjeet. “Gadar 2” is set in 1971 and follows Tara Singh’s journey to Pakistan to rescue his son, Charanjeet Singh from the Pakistani Army. The original was set during the Partition.
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