Bimsent John, a notorious scamster who had duped luxury hotels across India, was arrested in Tamil Nadu on December 7. He had checked into a private hotel in Thoothukudi, claiming he was attending a meeting. John assured the manager he would pay the advance by 9th December and stay up to 12th of December. During his sojourn, he made use of the meals served to him and ran a bill amounting to Rs. 39,298. He left the place without clearing the said amount. The hotel management alerted the local police to catch John. The investigations proved that John had deceived many hotels in Kollam, Thane and Delhi from the year 1996.
According to Money Control, 49 cases were registered against him in India and abroad. Additionally, John has a prior conviction and was imprisoned for five years for the same crimes. After his last arrest when he was detained for robbing the County Inn hotel in Manipal, the judges ruled to keep him in judicial custody for another 14 days as investigation continues.
Police Superintendent Dr. Arun K explained that Bimsent John hails from Tamil Nadu and had rented a room in County Inn. “He had cases against him in Delhi, Maharashtra, Kerala, and other places,” the Superintendent said, during interrogation we found that he used to stay in star hotels and cheat them. He knows good English and wears smart clothes to hoodwink hotels. He has been doing this since 1996, and 49 cases have been registered against him,” Public TV reported.
Also Read: Chinese Man Cons 63 Hotels For Free Stays
In a similar case earlier this year, Jhansi Rani Samuel was arrested for allegedly scamming a Pullman Hotel in Delhi’s Aerocity for nearly Rs. 6 lakh. The hotel staff reported that Samuel had used a fake identity card under the name Isha Dave to access the spa. She also took advantage of services worth Rs. 2,11,708, claiming to pay through the ICICI Bank UPI app, though it was later revealed that the payments were never processed.
She has been changing her statements. She also told one of the investigators that she is a doctor. She then said she had lived in New York. We don’t know what to believe. We have asked local staff at her hometown to approach her family and provide us details of her job and parents/spouse,” police said.
Samuel, who had stayed at the luxury hotel for 15 days without paying her bills, became aggressive when staff attempted to stop her from leaving. She claimed to be married but later said she had divorced.
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