The teaser for the upcoming Karan Johar directorial ‘Rocky aur Rani ki Prem Kahani’ dropped on Tuesday, leaving fans excited for the release of the movie. The film, starring Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt, will also include powerful supporting characters played by the veteran actors Dharmendra, Jaya Bachchan and Shabana Azmi. Netizens gave a positive reaction to the teaser, saying it is the ‘quitessential KJo musical drama’. One user wrote: “#RockyAurRaniKiiPremKahaani is dripping from old Bollywood Romance, Karan Johar bringing back the OG Bollywood Vibes, the music, the colourful demanding sets!” Another commented, “#AliaBhatt looks like a dream, what a beauty! #KaranJohar can deliver us one more great family drama? We have to wait for it & hopefully, it doesn’t disappoint, #RRKPK”
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