A group of Mahindra Thar occupants were arrested after their reckless driving disrupted a cricket game, crashing into the field for fun. The incident turned into a dramatic police chase, with Jaipur cops teaching the offenders a lesson for their rash actions.
A viral video has emerged of Jaipur Police chasing the Thar jeep after it was driven into an empty ground where children were playing cricket. The incident took place in the Shipra Path police station area of Jaipur, and locals immediately alerted the authorities.
Watch here:
The police came in a Mahindra Bolero PCR van. They attempted to stop the mischief, but they tried running. The incident is captured by a camera on which it could be seen that police cornered the Thar and arrested its occupants, praising their efficient management of the incident in social media posts.
The police apprehended Ashish Kumar, Raju alias Raj, Kuldeep Gurjar, Rahul Chaudhary, Anu, Kishan Singh, Devendra Kumar, and Mohit Meena. They also seized two Thar vehicles involved in the incident.
Users of social media compared the chase to “real-life GTA,” in reference to the popular video game Grand Theft Auto. One X user joked, “Thar and Bolero drivers took ‘play hard’ a bit too literally! Who needs GTA when you’ve got real-life shenanigans in Rajasthan?”
“The way the police vehicle cornered the Thar against the wall… bada**,” another commented, while Ameya Patil noted, “Bolero is more respectable than Thar. People drive Bolero with a lot of discipline,” emphasizing the poor reputation of the Mahindra Thar.
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