A content creator, Prannay Joshi, recently gained attention for his quirky video in which he humorously proposes marriage to strangers on the streets of Mumbai. The prank, titled “Pookie banoge mere?”, sees Joshi approach seven different men, offering them a red rose and a proposal. Each interaction ends in rejection, but not without eliciting a variety of amusing reactions.
In the video, Joshi begins by complimenting a man on his looks, only to be shooed away with a firm “Hatt”. Another man laughs off the proposal, questioning what he’d gain by marrying Joshi. A third cites religious reasons, noting that polygamy is not permitted. In another instance, Joshi follows a passerby, but his persistence is met with a sharp dismissal.
Among the memorable exchanges is one where an older man jokes that he is far too aged for marriage, remarking that his grandchildren are as old as Joshi. Undeterred, Joshi quips that age shouldn’t matter in an adult, consensual marriage. Even mentioning his “government job” fails to sway anyone, as one man dismissively advises him to “go work.” A fruit vendor also declines, delivering a blunt remark in response.
The video revisits the religious man who maintains his loyalty to his wife, humorously adding, “Even if the Prime Minister approached me, I wouldn’t be unfaithful.” Joshi, impressed by the man’s commitment, shakes his hand before revealing the prank.
Despite its comedic nature, the video drew concern from viewers. One commenter warned that Joshi might “get beaten someday over his videos.” However, this possibility doesn’t seem to deter the creator, known for pranks in public spaces such as railway stations, local trains, and footpaths.
With a following of 1.8 lakh on Instagram, Joshi has built his clout by producing relatable and humorous content. His unique approach continues to entertain audiences, even as it occasionally courts controversy.
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