Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday in Gandhinagar performed the last rites of his mother, Heeraben Modi. The PM joined the funeral procession and carried the bier on his shoulder like any other son, walking barefoot with it as he carried the mortal remains to the crematorium for the last rites. Soon after, #HeerabenModi took over top trends on Twitter as netizens shared their condolences.
M Venkaiah Naidu tweeted, “My deepest condolences to Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on the sad demise of his beloved mother, Smt. Heeraben Modi There is nothing as priceless & indescribable in God’s creation as the bond between mother and child. May her atma attain sadgati! Om shanti.”
Mamata Banerjee tweeted, “Condolences to PM Ji on the passing away of his mother, Heeraben Modi. I pray that her soul rests in peace. In this hour of grief, I hope that he and his family members find strength.”
Sachin Tendulkar tweeted, “It’s a loss like no other. My heartfelt condolences to the Hon. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji on the sad demise of his mother, Smt. Heeraben Modi ji. My thoughts are with the family. May her soul rest in peace.”
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