A fiery public spat has erupted between Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan and actor Prakash Raj over the controversial Tirupati Laddu Prasadam. The row began when reports surfaced about alleged adulteration of the sacred laddu with animal fat, sparking outrage across the state. Pawan Kalyan, a staunch defender of Sanatana Dharma, voiced his frustration, calling the contamination “deeply disturbing.” He urged for stringent action against those involved and proposed a national-level debate to protect Hindu dharma.
Prakash Raj, however, criticized Kalyan for sensationalizing the issue, calling on him to focus on finding the culprits instead of amplifying communal tensions. In a tweet, Raj asked Kalyan why he was making this a national issue when Andhra Pradesh, where Kalyan holds office, should be handling it locally. He also accused the Deputy CM of spreading fear during a sensitive time, urging a more measured response.
Also read: Yogi Adityanath Cracks Down on Food Safety After Human Waste Contamination Scandal
Pawan Kalyan responded by questioning Raj’s understanding of the situation, accusing him of hypocrisy. Kalyan defended his stance, emphasizing that speaking up about issues affecting Hindus is not an attack on secularism. He highlighted his respect for all religions but stressed that defending his faith is equally important. The exchange has caught the attention of the public, with both personalities standing firm on their positions.
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