Bengaluru-based startup investor Ritesh Banglani faced significant backlash on social media after commenting on the city’s flooded roads following heavy rainfall. In a post shared on X, Banglani, co-founder of Stellaris Venture Partners, remarked, “I’m in a traffic jam in the middle of a frigging river. But hey, at least the signboards are in Kannada,” accompanied by a photo of the flooded streets.
His comment drew ire from several users who criticized him for bringing up the ongoing language debate in the context of Bengaluru’s inadequate infrastructure. One user, Abhishek, remarked, “Priorities bro, priorities. Instead of protesting for the poor infra, some people here were protesting for the language.” Another user, Megha, suggested that he should return to his home state, accusing him of complaining while benefiting from the city’s situation.
In response to the criticism, Banglani defended himself, asserting his rights as a resident of Bengaluru. He emphasized, “I’m as Bangalorean as you, and have as much right to the city as you do, including the right to criticize the administration. I’m not going anywhere because this is my home as much as it’s yours.”
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