Actor Kartik Aaryan has started shooting for Kabir Khan’s directorial ‘Chandu Champion’ On Wednesday night, Kartik took to Instagram and shared the particular update with fans and followers. “Shubh Aarambh. And the most challenging and exciting journey of my career begins. with the captain @Kabirkhan#ChanduChampion,” he wrote. The film will be jointly produced by Nadiadwala and Khan, known for critically-acclaimed films like “Bajrangi Bhaijaan” and 2021’s cricket-drama “83”. According to the makers, the film is based on the extraordinary real-life story of a sportsman and his spirit of never giving up. Aaryan’s latest theatrical release is “Satyaprem Ki Katha”, co-starring Kiara Advani. The film, which released last month, has raised over Rs 100 crore at the global box office.
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