Neha Kakkar and Rohanpreet Singh are all set to melt the heart of fans with the release of their latest song ‘Dil Bechara,’ produced by Bhushan Kumar. This soulful love song is a mesmerizing depiction of the emotions and yearning shared by lovers, taking audiences on an emotional rollercoaster. Neha took to Instagram to share the release of her song. She captioned it, “#DilBechara is now all yours! Feel every bit of it while you are thinking about them. Song out now, tune in.”
The music video for “Dil Bechara,” which was directed by Crevixa, expertly depicts the couple’s passionate chemistry, which translates to the screen with ease as they bring out the best in one another as performers, making the song an unforgettable visual and audio experience.
Speaking about her experience, Neha said, “’Dil Bechara’ is very close to my heart, as it gave me the opportunity to explore a new side to me as an artist. I’m thrilled to share this emotional journey of love with our listeners and I’m sure everyone is going to love it.” Rohanpreet Singh shared, “’Dil Bechara’ is not just a song; it’s an expression of love, longing, and everything that makes a relationship special. Co-composing this beautiful song with Neha has been an incredible experience, and I hope our listeners feel the same love and emotions that we poured into it.” Director Crevixa said, “Neha and Rohanpreet’s chemistry and magical, and it brought a natural charm to the screen. They really brought raw and authentic portrayals to their characters which has made the music video look incredible.” Neha and Rohanpreet penned, recorded, and sang the song “Dil Bechara” for T-Series. The Crevixa-directed music video is currently available on T-Series’ YouTube channel.
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