Yamagarni village in Nipani taluk of Belagavi district recently experienced a heartwarming event when a beloved black indie dog named Maharaj, lost during a pilgrimage, returned home on its own, covering nearly 250 km. The villagers celebrated Maharaj’s miraculous return with a jubilant parade and a feast in his honour.
Maharaj, a loyal companion to his owner Kamalesh Kumbhar, had accompanied him on his annual ‘Wari padayatra’ to the pilgrimage town of Pandharpur in South Maharashtra. Kumbhar, a devout ‘Warkari,’ visits Pandharpur every year on Ashadha Ekadashi and Kartiki Ekadashi, and this time, Maharaj joined him for the journey.
Kumbhar recounted that Maharaj has always enjoyed listening to bhajans and had even accompanied him on another pilgrimage to the Jyotiba temple near Mahabaleshwar. During the recent pilgrimage, Maharaj followed Kumbhar and his group, who walked while chanting bhajans for nearly 250 km.
After having darshan at the Vithoba temple, Kumbhar noticed Maharaj was missing. Despite searching for him everywhere, he was told that the dog had likely left with another group. Disheartened, Kumbhar returned to his hometown on July 14.
To his astonishment, the very next day, Kumbhar found Maharaj standing in front of his house, wagging his tail and looking well-fed and healthy. Overcome with joy, Kumbhar and the villagers organized a celebration for Maharaj’s return, considering it a miracle guided by Lord Panduranga.
This touching story of Maharaj’s incredible journey and safe return has brought immense happiness to the village, highlighting the deep bond between the dog and his owner and the collective spirit of the community.
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