Makers of the upcoming action film ‘Jailer’ starring legendary actor Rajinikanth unveiled the trailer. Taking to Instagram, production house Sun Pictures treated fans with Jailer showcase. Sharing the video, they wrote, “Meet Tiger Muthuvel PandianThe much awaited #JailerShowcase is out now.”
The showcase video introduced Rajinikanth’s character ‘Tiger’ Muthuvel Pandian, with two different avatars. Superstar play a father of a police officer in the movie. The video also showed how a simple man fights bad guys with swords, guns. Jackie Shroff can be seen in a never seen before avatar. He also describes Rajinikanth’s character with an impact full dialogue.
He said, “You have only seen him as a father of a Policeman but I’m familiar with his other face that you are not aware of.”
As soon as the trailer was posted, the fans flooded the comment section with heart and fire emojis. One of the users wrote, “Nelson cooking something very big.”
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