Allied Blenders and Distillers made its stock market debut on Tuesday, July 2, with a Hindu priest (pandit) attending the listing ceremony. This event marked the company’s shares being officially listed and starting to trade on the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE). Social media photos depicted a pandit onstage with company executives, lighting the ceremonial lamp. The irony of a liquor company involving a pandit did not go unnoticed online. One user, Tanisha, commented on X, “Only in India will you see a pundit on stage at a listing ceremony..,” while also congratulating the ABD team on their impressive listing.
“That too for a daru company,” one person remarked in the comments section. Another user added, “For a daaru company,” accompanied by a laughing face emoji.
The official X account of Allied Blenders and Distillers also posted a photo from the NSE listing ceremony, captioning it, “Allied Blenders and Distillers makes its debut on the stock market!”
Additional photos from the ceremony were posted online by the official X account of the NSE.
Shares of Allied Blenders and Distillers Ltd, the producer of Officer’s Choice Whisky, debuted with a premium of almost 14% above the issue price of ₹281 on Tuesday.
The company’s shares began trading at ₹320 on the NSE, marking a 13.87% increase. This gave the company a market valuation of ₹8,869.61 crore.
Some of the company’s notable brands include Officer’s Choice Whisky, Sterling Reserve Whisky, Jolly Roger Rum, and Class 21 Vodka.
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