Zara Shatavari has been named among the top ten finalists in the groundbreaking Miss AI pageant, which celebrates virtual beings from around the world. Selected from a pool of over 1,500 applicants, these AI-generated contestants are now competing for the coveted top three positions. The winners, to be announced later this month, will be judged based on criteria such as beauty, technological prowess, and social media impact.
Hindustan Times reports that Shatavari, hailing from India, identifies herself as a “PCOS and depression warrior,” emphasizing her commitment to a healthy lifestyle despite being composed of pixels.
Described as a “digital diva” by the news outlet, Shatavari uses her platform to share insights on health, career growth, and fashion trends, inspiring her followers to lead fulfilling lives. She aims to build a strong connection with her fans, offering regular motivation and support.
With a dedicated website featuring blogs on health and fashion, Shatavari’s Instagram showcases snapshots of her engaging in activities like yoga, spa retreats, and leisurely moments. Her festive greetings on Diwali and Eid further highlight her relatability and inclusivity.
Rahul Choudhry, the mind behind Shatavari and a key figure in an Indian mobile advertising firm, believes in AI’s potential for positive impact. He sees Zara as a symbol of AI’s capacity to contribute meaningfully to society, leveraging her “celebrity-like vibe” to garner support and awareness for technological advancements.
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