Inspired by the TV series Crime Patrol, a man attempted to extort money from a doctor in Delhi’s Janakpuri area, allegedly driven by the desire to fulfill his wife’s dream of owning a new flat. The accused, identified as 32-year-old Ashok Kumar, who worked for a private firm and was struggling financially, targeted Dr. Anil after scouting three high-profile clinics in the area.
Wearing a mask, Kumar left an extortion letter, purportedly from a jailed gangster named Manoj Baba, at the doctor’s clinic, threatening harm if extortion demands weren’t met. However, Dr. Anil reported the incident to the police, leading to Kumar’s arrest and the recovery of the handwritten extortion letter.
The case was initially registered at Janakpuri police station and later transferred to the Southwest region’s Special Cell. Police apprehended Kumar after noticing his movements in the Jai Vihar area, based on information from an informer. A trap was laid, leading to his arrest, with the recovery of the motorcycle and clothes allegedly used in the extortion attempt.
During interrogation, Kumar confessed to the crime, citing financial struggles and his wife’s desire to purchase a new flat as motives. He admitted to entering Dr. Anil’s clinic on June 3, leaving the extortion letter on the assistant’s desk, and quickly leaving the premises. According to DCP (Special Cell) Manoj C, the handwriting on the letter matched Kumar’s.
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