A handwritten prescription by Dr. Amit Soni from Madhya Pradesh has gone viral, causing confusion among netizens due to its illegibility. The prescription, issued at the Rogi Kalyan Samiti hospital in Satna, was for a 46-year-old patient named Arvind Kumar Sen, who visited with body aches and fever. After his examination, Sen received a prescription that was difficult to read, with only “W and 225” being somewhat legible.
The Chief Medical and Health Officer (CMHO) has issued a notice to Dr. Soni, demanding an explanation for the unclear handwriting. The viral image of the prescription, dated September 4, 2024, has garnered significant attention on social media. Many users have expressed frustration, with one comment suggesting, “The licence of such a doctor should be cancelled.”
Others have advocated for printed prescriptions, echoing a sentiment that, “In India too, prescriptions should be printed like in foreign countries. Why write it by hand? Just type it, print it, and give it to the patient.”
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