On the occasion of Deepika Padukone’s birthday on 5 January, Production House Vjayanthi Movies shared the first look of the actor from the upcoming film Project K. In the poster, Deepika can be seen standing atop a mountain like a true warrior. The tagline of the poster reads, “A Hope in the dark.” Soon after, netizens took to Twitter to not just wish the actor but also share their thoughts on her first look from the movie. “Best first look poster for a heroine in Indian cinema,” a fan commented. Another fan wrote,” ‘A hope in the dark’ describes her so well.” “Yes, we were waiting for this,” a fan wrote. Helmed by Nag Ashwin, ‘Project K’ also stars Prabhas, Disha Patani and Amitabh Bachchan in the lead roles. The official release date of the film is still awaited.
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